Our chefs specialize in authentic and delicious food. The staff at Bangkok Corner is devoted to serving customers mouthwatering dishes that feature the highest quality ingredients available. Thai Fried Rice, Spicy Basil Fried Rice and Combination Fried Rice are all prepared quickly and delivered to you right away.
Bangkok Corner uses only the freshest ingredients around, ensuring that every dish is of the highest possible quality. Not sure what you're in the mood for? Try one of our specialties including Pineapple Fried Rice , Bangkok Corner Shrimp Fried Rice, Crab Fried Rice, , and more.
Monday Saturday
11:00am - 9:00pm
11:00am - 9:00pm
We Deliver To:
2360 Newport Blvd # B, Costa Mesa CA, 92627
Thai Food Eastside Costa Mesa Thai Food Westside Costa Mesa Thai Food Mesa Verde Thai Food Downtown Costa Mesa Thai Food South Coast Metro Thai Food College Park Thai Food Mesa Del Mar Thai Food Westcliff Thai Food Balboa Peninsula Thai Food Lido Isle Thai Food Newport Heights Thai Food West Newport Thai Food Cliff Haven Thai Food Huntington Harbour Thai Food Sunset Beach Thai Food Adams Thai Food Yorktown Thai Food Delivery Eastside Costa Mesa Thai Food Delivery Westside Costa Mesa Thai Food Delivery Mesa Verde Thai Food Delivery Downtown Costa Mesa Thai Food Delivery South Coast Metro Thai Food Delivery College Park Thai Food Delivery Mesa Del Mar Thai Food Delivery Westcliff Thai Food Delivery Balboa Peninsula Thai Food Delivery Lido Isle Thai Food Delivery Newport Heights Thai Food Delivery West Newport Thai Food Delivery Cliff Haven Thai Food Delivery Huntington Harbour Thai Food Delivery Sunset Beach Thai Food Delivery Adams Thai Food Delivery Yorktown